Whole season gravity wave tracking analysis applied to CIPS PMC imagery

Pingping Rong*, Jia Yue, James M. Russell, David E. Siskind, and Cora E. Randall
Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Hampton University

Gravity waves are wide spread in the summer mesopause region and polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs) serve as a natural manifestation of these wave activities. A majority of the PMC population appears to be “fibered” by at least semi-organized wave-like structures, among which the highest occurrence frequency is at wavelengths < 100km. In this study a wave tracking approach has been designed to identify the gravity waves at wavelengths of ~25-50km in the PMCs measured by Cloud Imaging and Particle Size experiment (CIPS) aboard the AIM satellite. In the wave tracking approach, a circular region (~500km radius) is placed at a given location in the CIPS cloud domain and then a wavelet transform is carried out along all 360-degree radial directions. Regions with a large mean wavelet power are determined as being wave active. The PMC mean brightness over such a circular region is within ~50×10-6 sr-1 and the median value is approximately ~15-20×10-6sr-1. The whole season analysis in 2007 shows that distinctly better organized wave features possess only a moderate level of wavelet power (i.e., 8-10×10-12 sr-2) and occur mostly in dimmer orbits. The maximum daily frequency of such occurrences reaches ~5% which was obtained in early to middle summer time. While regions with moderate to high level of wavelet power show a strong correlation with the seasonal cloud brightness variation and therefore the maximum daily frequency (~30%) occurs in the middle to late summer when the PMCs are the brightest. In these later cases no distinct wave features are present. Rather, the components with the scales of ~25-50km exhibit as spatially alternating and wide spread bright spots and dim voids overlapped on a background filled with semi-organized wave-like features. We infer from this study that such features resulted from nonlinear or complex interaction of multi-scale gravity waves.

*email: ping-ping.rong@hamptonu.edu
*Preference: Poster