Numerical Simulations of Gravity Waves’ Effects on Airglow Emissions

Tai-Yin Huang*
Penn State Lehigh Valley

Airglow has been used as an indicator of atmospheric structure and dynamics in the Aeronomy community because it is very sensitive and responsive to changes in the atmosphere. A two-dimensional, time-dependent, nonlinear OH Chemistry Dynamics (OHCD) model and a Multiple Airglow Chemistry Dynamics (MACD) have been used for the investigations of airglow intensity variations in the MLT region observed from the ground. A review of the simulation results from these two models will be provided. The model each consists of an airglow chemistry model and a spectral full-wave model, and it has the capability of turning on or off the spectral full-wave model to study gravity wave-airglow interaction or airglow variations induced by non-wave effects. In this talk we focus on gravity wave-airglow interactions on OH airglow, O2 atmospheric band, and O(1S) greenline. Specifically, results of gravity wave-induced airglow variations, OH exothermic heating rate variation, the intensity-weighted temperature variations, and the phase relationship between airglow and its temperature will be presented.

*Preference: Oral