ADAPT seminar

Speaker: Dr. Man-Yau ("Joseph") Chan(Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science and ADAPT Center, Penn State )
Topsc: First steps towards convection-aware data assimilation ""

Room: Rm 607 Walker Building
Time: Thursday, October 20, 2022, 4:30pm - 5:15pm
The BiGaussian Ensemble Kalman Filter (BGEnKF) is an ensemble data assimilation method that was invented by Joseph Chan with Jeff Anderson (NCAR) and Xingchao Chen (PSU) over the last few years to deal with challenges associated with infrared brightness temperatures. This method is likely relevant to folks working on Martian satellite DA, terrestrial microwave radiance DA, and DA for terrestrial systems with distinct regimes (e.g., ahead and behind cold fronts). The Penn State Center for Advanced Data Assimilation and Predictability Techniques (ADAPT) seeks to integrate and enhance the existing strength and expertise in cutting-edge data assimilation (DA) and predictability research across Penn State. This seminar is cross-listed as a department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science "Frank Talk." The principal goal of the Frank Talks is to foster graduate student and faculty interactions, which were promoted by Meteo Professor Emeritus William M. Frank (