The 7th EnKF Data Assimilation Workshop
23-27 May 2016 Toftrees Golf Resort & Conference Center, State College, PA, 16803, USA

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Important Dates
Resonse to Doodle Deadline: TBD
Abstract Deadline: Friday, January 15, 2016 (extened to January 31, 2016)
Hotel Reservation Deadline: TBD
Peter Houtekamer, Fuqing Zhang
Organizing committee:
Craig Bishop, Massimo Bonivita, Steven Greybush, Ellie Meng, Kayo Ide, Takemasa Miyoshi, Jonathan Poterjoy, Ryan Torn, Jeff Whitaker, Ming Xue, Shu-Chi Yang, and Jiang Zhu
Meeting assistant:
Dandan Tao (
About the workshop:
The dates of the workshop will be May 23-27, 2016. This will be the seventh in a series of relaxed workshops on the EnKF with emphasis on the atmospheric applications from convective to global scales, including hybrid, coupling and comparison to traditional variational methods. We hope that many of you will be able to attend. The first day of the workshop will be jointed by a one-day special symposium on Monday May 23, 2016 on "Symposium on Advanced Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification in BigData Research for Weather, Climate and Earth System Monitoring and Prediction” sponsored by the ADAPT center of the Penn State University which you are welcome to attend.